Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Annie Jr

I haven't posted in some time. Actually I forgot my password. That's what happens as you get older. You start forgetting things. I have been working on a remodelling the house these last few months. We actually started the project before the big "ice storm". Then we had to use some weekends to clean up after that. Now, it seems, that we have so many other things to do. What was to be a quick project has turned into a loooong project. But, that's OK. I want to do it right. Finishing drywall can take a long time. (expecially if you want the walls to be smooth). Glenn and I went to see Micah last week in his first Broadway production of Annie Jr. He got the part of Sandy the dog. I thought he stole the show. (I guess all Nanas feel that way). He was so cute and he has no fear of getting up in front of a large crowd and performing. We are going to keep the grandchildren next week while Jamie takes a group of his youth to Jonathan Creek. I'm looking forward to that. I know Jamie will have fun with his group and we will have fun with the grandchildren. Later in the month Glenn and I will be headed to Amelia Island. We have never been there and are looking forward to the short trip. Of course, I will be in continuing education seminars, and he will be will my sister Debbie and her husband Roger, enjoying the ocean. We are also planning our fall trip to the mountains. We couldn't get the Cozy Bear View this year because someone had already booked it. The nerve.....that is the cabin we have been staying at for years. Anyway that forced us to look for another cabin. Hopefully we have made a wise choice. Glenn is supposed to call and book the cabin today. We have such a good time just relaxing and doing nothing.