Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Looks like KY is getting snow in April

OK, ya'll. It has literally been years since I have posted anything on my blog. Today, I'm sitting in the recliner, having a cup of coffee and listening to the birds sing and the roosters crow across the street. Yes, I have my window open and all is well. My BIL tilled the garden yesterday but I don't dare plant anything yet. Why, you might ask? Well, Beau Dodson, local weatherman, has predicted snow. Yep that is right. Late April. Hmmm. My pawpaw trees were blooming earlier this year and got nipped by cold weather. Now they have put out a few more blossoms, which will get nipped again. These trees are several years old, and I hope to grow one pawpaw before I die. I'm thinking I might have to invest in smudgepots. Yea, that's it Smudgepots, and have my hubby man them all night. Sounds like a plan.

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